Thank you for visiting LsFugitive.iwarp.com. The website's focus is to follow up on the former cast of "The Fugitive" after the cancelation of the series. The site will be updated with news and upcoming projects of the main cast members..

- Lina (webmaster)

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December 3, 2001
There is a mention of "The Fugitive" in today's weekly rant by Brian Ford Sullivan of The Futon Critic. The article is an overview on CBS' November sweeps. To get to the mention of "The Fugitive" scoll down to "Fridays".

From Yahoo movies, here are two Mykelti Williamson stills (1 & 2) from the motion picture "Ali". For more Mykelti Williamson images and clips from the movie, check out the official "Ali" site at, http://www.spe.sony.com/movies/ali/.

November 29, 2001
Some interesting news for all you Fugitive fans. Apparently the Fugitive sites, Drrichardkimble.com and Fugitive TV (Warner Bros. site) are still up. The direct links to the home page do not work, but you can access the sites through their sections (episode guide, behind the scenes, characters, and etc.). Check out Fugitive TV and Drrichardkimble.com.
Thanks Matt! Great find! :)

Two images have been added to the gallery.

October 19, 2001
Kelly Rutherford will be appearing in Robin Cook's Acceptable Risk. The movie premieres this Sunday, October 21st, at 8pm ET/7pm PT on TBS Superstation (check local cable/satellite listings for channel). Thanks to Beth for the news.

October 9, 2001
Thanks to Dan for finding this Q and A from the "Just Ask" TV and movie column in the Toronto Sun (10/08/01).

Q: The cancellation of The Fugitive was announced well before the two-hour final episode. I naturally assumed that there would be a resolution. Instead, the program ended with a cliffhanger, leaving more questions unanswered. Is there any chance CBS or the producers will finish up the story with a TV movie?
D. Macdonald
Antigonish, Nova Scotia

A: It seems everyone who watched the newest incarnation of The Fugitive loved the series. Unfortunately, there weren't enough of them. The show, starring Tim Daly and Mikelti Williamson was cancelled because it slid so low in the ratings that CBS could no longer interest advertisers. So, the plug was pulled and it ended with two back-to-back episodes on May 25. Producer Arnold Kopelson has said that, at the moment, he can't see any way the show or an offshoot of it could be brought back.

September 29, 2001
You can catch Mykelti Williamson on "Forrest Gump" today (Saturday 29th) at 8/7c on ABC.

September 9, 2001
The Fugitive lost the Emmy in the Outstanding Sound Editing For A Series category this Saturday. The winner was ER for the episode "The Crossing". This was the only nomination the Fugitive received. The episode submitted was the "Pilot". The list of nominees for this category can be found at our achievements section. For a list of the 2001 Creative Arts Emmy winners go to: Zap2it.com. Thanks to Matt for the news.

The new message board is up at Dr-Richard-Kimble.com.

August 31, 2001
Sorry for not updating the site in awhile!

Some important news. Since the new fall season is approaching the WB has taken it's two Fugitive sites down. Fugitive TV and DrRichardKimble.com will no longer be avaliable. For those who post and read in the DRK.com message board a new board has been created at Dr-Richard-Kimble.com.

The links section has been modify and new links have been added.

July 27, 2001
Connie Britton (Maggie Kimble-Hume) has joined the cast of "The West Wing" as a recurring character. To read more about her role here are some links: The Futon Critic, E! Online, Canoe and Gist TV. Thank to Matt for the info.

New links have been added. We recommend a visit to the new Fugitive site at Dr-Richard-Kimble.com, which is replacing the current WB Drrichardkimble.com site (expected to close down when the new season starts). Currently at it's preview stage, more features will be added soon. Another great site is Fugitive Online. A Belgium fan site, simple to navigate, providing character bio, quiz and lots more.

July 13, 2001
The Fugitive got one Emmy nomination for Outstanding Sound Editing For A Series. The submission episode was the "Pilot". The rest of the nominees for this category are: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Star Trek: Voyager, Third Watch and ER . Here are some links to the list of complete Emmy nominations. Official Emmy Site, The Futon Critic, USA Today and E! Online.

July 8, 2001
New pictures have been added to the Image gallery. Once again thanks to Tracy for kindly sending in these pictures.

July 1, 2001
A big thanks to Matt (mhoran21) who found this question and answer article in the 7/1/01, Philadelphia Inquirer.

TV People Talk by Jay Bobbin

Q: Will "The Fugitive" be back next season?

A: No, and judging from the mail we have gotten about it, lots of people are bound to be disappointed by that answer. CBS had hoped the remake of the classic series would be the lightning rod for the 2000-01 season, and instead, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation stole the spotlight with bigger ratings and generally better reviews. From a TV-history point of view, the most frustrating thing about the cancellations was that fugitive Richard Kimble's saga was never brought to a close, as it was in the original 1960s David Janssen show (and even in the 1993 Harrison Ford movie). Before the newest Fugitive premiered, executive producer Arnold Kopelson vowed that CBS would give him enough notice to let him prepare a series finale that would wrap everything up. Oh well..

June 30, 2001
Since CBS is no longer airing episodes of The Fugitive, I have removed "Upcoming Episodes" from the site. The poll is back! The image gallery and links sections have been updated. I have also moved the network addresses and media addresses back into one section instead of two. Last but not least, a new news/updates archive section has been added (which have been condensed).

June 21, 2001
An article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel mentions The Fugitive. There is an excellent Fugitive web site that has detailed episode summaries and reviews. You can check it out here.

June 19, 2001
The layout has been revamped for the fourth time and probably not the last. The two of us were not happy with the load time of the separate sections so I've taken out all the graphics and used Macromedia Flash in creating these graphics. The site should now load considerably faster. Also, we thought that the recent layout was too clustered and boxed up. If you cannot see the header and site map after the site has completely loaded, then you either do not have the ShockwaveFlash plug-in or need the newest version of Shockwave. I've provided a link on the left for where to download the newest version of the ShockwaveFlash plug-in. For any comments, please email Lina or I. - thanks, Ray L, webdesigner

We have added a new link section to the site. The two transcripts have also been added (Tim Daly's appearances on "The Late Late Show" and "Politically Incorrect").
The poll has been removed indefinitely. Thanks again to all who voted! Hope you folks like the new layout!

June 15, 2001

One of the three transcripts have been added to the site. The first transcript is from Tim Daly's appearance on "Live with Regis," back in October 6, 2000.

June 10, 2001
Please write to John McNamara, executive producer of "The Fugitive".
John McNamara McNamara & Corporation
9268 Robin Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90069-1126

I have been working on transcripts from Tim Daly's talk show appearances (Fugitive related). The transcripts should be up on the site soon. Lastly, the web designer is working on changing this site's layout once again. If he follows through, the new layout will be in Macromedia Flash.

June 1, 2001
"The Fugitive" ranked 83rd overall in the 2000-2001 TV season. To check the list go to, The Futon Critic website.
More disappointing news... it doesn't look like CBS will be airing re-runs of "The Fugitive" during the summer. Diagnosis Murder is (again) slated to air on both June 8th & 15th.

May 31, 2001
Primetime Nielsen ratings are in for the week of May 21 - 27, 2001. "The Fugitive" two hour finale ranked 53rd and 57th among the primetime shows on tv. "Gotterdammerung" took 57th spot and "Thanatos" took 53rd spot.
Please keep writing! Write to Kopelson Telemedia, CBS, Warner Brothers and the cable networks. Don't give up, show the networks you care by taking the time to write. Letters carry more weight and shows fan dedication. Please show your support for "The Fugitive". The campaign page has updated addresses.
"The Fugitive" is mentioned in an Entertainment Weekly article.
If you have not already done so, please stop by and sign the petitions.
CBS Petition and WB Petition.

May 26, 2001
Two new Fugitive petitions have been started by the fans at the DrRichardKimble.com message boards. WB Petition and CBS petition.

Thanks to Lea, who contacted Mr. Kopelson about the situation with "The Fugitive". Here was Mr. Kopelson's open letter reply to the fans:

I was very moved by your most kind letter(s) praising "The Fugitive" series. Everyone including CBS loved the episodes and had high hopes for its continuance. Regrettably, the ratings continued to drop, making it nearly impossible to attract advertisers. We tested several of our episodes, and the audience reported that they could easily miss some, as they basically knew what would happen.

The two-hour finale will take place tomorrow, and I think you will be thrilled with what you will see. At this time I can make no recommendations as to how to bring the show back, but we thank you for your tremendous support.

My warmest regards,

Arnold Kopelson

Thanks to Mr. Kopelson for his reply to the fans.

Of course the finale aired yesterday and the overnight ratings (from Zap2it.com) are in. The first episode, "Gotterdammerung" came in with a 5.4/11. The second episode "Thanatos" increased to a rating of 5.5/11 share.
You can now save or print the network addresses. Thanks to Rosemary for putting them into a document file.
Added the locations of Gotterdammerung and Thanatos to the episode guide. The identities and poll sections have been updated as well.

May 25, 2001
Tim Daly will be starring in the Showtime movie, "The Outsider". Production begins next week. For more information on the project got to: Zap2it.com or the Hollywood Reporter. Tim is also reported to be producing and staring in a movie for Showtime, titled "Bang The Drums Slowly".
A very favorable mention of the Fugitive on The Futon Critic website.
TV Guide has a lengthy article out. Some very nice words about Tim Daly and their thoughts on why the Fugitive was canceled.

May 23, 2001
The official Fugitive site has a detailed summary (spoiler!) of both "Gotterdammerung" & "Thanatos".
Added a new Campaign section to the site.

May 19, 2001
Overnight ratings (from Zap2it.com) for "Batman & Robin", 3.6/7 (ratings/share).

May 16, 2001

"The Fugitive" has been officially canceled by CBS.

May 15, 2001
Articles on CBS's fall schedule (unofficial). The Futon Critic, Yahoo Entertainment, and Zap2it.com. The Futon Critic lists "The Fugitive" as officially canceled. CBS will announce their official fall schedule tomorrow at 3:00pm (Eastern).

May 10, 2001
CBS will be airing all new back-to-back episodes on May 25th. "Gotterdammerung" (Episode 20) and "Thanatos" (Episode 21).

May 5, 2001
The Fugitive will be pre-empted for another week, May 18th... making it 4 pre-emptions in a row (for those who are counting). The 1997 movie, "Batman & Robin" is slated to air.
CBS will be announcing their 2002 fall schedule on Wednesday May 16.

May 3, 2001
A summary of episode 20 is up on the The Fugitive (Warner Bros.) site.

April 22, 2001
If you have not already done so, please click here to sign the Fugitive petition. Please help support this excellent show.

April 21, 2001
Episode 19, "Smith282" came in with a rating of 5.1/9 share. Up from last week, 4.9/9.

April 16, 2001
I have recreated the site layout once again. From the site statistics, I have found that most visitors view this site with 800x600 pixels and not 1028x768, so I have changed the layout size back to 800 pixels in width. Also, we thought that the layout's design needed slightly more improvement. Feel free to email us your thoughts on the change. Thanks. - Ray L (WebDesigner)

April 14, 2001
The ratings slipped for this weeks episode, "Flesh and Blood", which came in with a 4.9/9.

April 13, 2001
For those who live in Canada, some CTV affiliates have pulled "The Fugitive" from their line-up. I wrote a letter to the programming department and this is the reply I got back:

Hi there,

Thanks for your email.

At this time, the fate of "The Fugitive" is unknown. It had been pulled from our schedule indefinitely and we are unsure what will happen to it.

Please stay tuned to your TV Guide, and if it returns, you will find it listed.

Thanks for writing,

Programming, CTV.

The Cast section has been updated.

April 7, 2001
The ratings for this week's Fugitive episode, "Tucker's Gift" came in at 5.3/9. Up from last weeks 5.2/9.

March 31, 2001
After 4 weeks, The Fugitive returns. The episode "Sea Change" pulled in a rating of 5.2/9 share. The competitions came in with the following: Who Wants to Be a Millionaire 10.4/19, Daleline NBC 7.0/12 and FOX's The Lone Gunman came in with a rating of 3.8/7 share.

March 30, 2001
There is a excellent review by Brian Ford Sullivan of The Futon Critic on "The Fugitive".

March 16, 2001
After 4 weeks of pre-emptions and reruns we will finally be getting a new episode on March 30th.
New Images have been added to the site. These were kindly sent in by Tracy B., so we would like to thank her for supporting our website.
For those who missed Tim Daly on Politically Incorrect, the transcript is up on the Politically Incorrect site. Click transcripts on the right of the PI page to view.

March 12, 2001
The webmaster is currently away, so I am posting this on her behalf. We have recieved many photos of "The Fugitive" and Tim Daily, thanks to Tracy. They should be uploaded onto our Image Gallery section soon.- Ray L. WebDesigner

March 10, 2001
Tim Daly is scheduled to appear on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher, Monday March 12, 2001 on ABC (12:05). Set those VCR's!
Entertainment Weekly has an article out about shows they think are going to get the ax. The Fugitive is one of them.
To keep The Fugitive on for a second season, many Fugitive fans are writing letters to CBS to show support behind the shows under-average ratings. Write and send your letters to CBS. Here is the mailing address for the President/CEO, Leslie Moonves, of CBS:

Leslie Moonves
CBS Entertainment
7800 Beverly Blvd
Los Angeles, CA. 90036

I'm sure other fans of The Fugitive would appreciate your support for the show. Keep in mind that your letter should remain polite and positive.

The new layout for each section is finished and uploaded on to our server. I highly recommend that the site be viewed in 1028x768, which matches the pixel size of the layout. The layout width has been changed from 800 pixels because most monitors now support 1028x768 pixels. We also thought that the design was too simple and so the new width would provide us with more space to work with. We would be interested in what you think about the new design so please feel free to email one of us. - Ray L. WebDesigner

March 4, 2001
Happy 41th Birthday to Mykelti Williamson!

March 1, 2001
Happy 45th Birthday to Tim Daly!
Found two articles about Tim's experience with the Seattle earthquake.
Yahoo (Variety) - Fugitive Star Chased By Seattle Quake
Zap2it.com - Tim Daly Downplays Seattle Quake

February 24, 2001
The overnight ratings are in for Feb 23, 2001. Sadly the conclusion of the two parter dropped from 5.8/10 last week to 5.4/9.
We have received requests to list the ratings of past episodes. I have finally completed this new section. "Ratings Archive"

February 17, 2001
Overnight ratings for Feb 16, 2001. The Fugitive pulled a rating of 5.8/10 share, against Millionaire at 11.1/19 and Dateline NBC at 9.5/16.

February 10, 2001

Overnight ratings for Feb 9, 2001, "Past Perfect". The Fugitive came in third in it's timeslot. Here are the numbers for Friday's CBS line-up. Diagnosis Murder 6.9/12 (7.0/12), The Fugitive at 5.9/10 (6.6/11) and Nash Bridges at 7.2/13 (7.2/13) dropped from last week. Up against The Fugitive, were Millionaire at 10.7/18 (11.3/19) and Dateline NBC at 10.8/19 (8.1/14).

February 4, 2001

Overnight ratings for Friday's episode, "And In That Darkness" pulled a rating of 6.6/11 share, up from last week 5.3/9 in it's old timeslot.

February 1, 2001
Tim Daly is scheduled to appear on tonight's Late Late Show with Craig Kilborn (CBS 12:35am).

January 30, 2001
The final tally has been made on the TV Guide nominations. Tim Daly is still up for New Series Of The Year, but unfortunately the show has been eliminated from the New Series Of The Year category. Tim Daly will be up against Thomas Canvangh from "Ed";, Craig T. Nelson from "The District" and William Petersen from "C.S.I.".

Tim Daly's wife, Amy Van Nostrand will be making a guest appearance on this weeks Fugitive episode, titled "And In That Darkness". Don't forget The Fugitive airs at a new time, 9:00pm.

January 25, 2001
For some lucky West Coast viewers, CBS will be re-airing the "Pilot" episode at 10:00pm after the Superbowl.

January 22, 2001
NBC will be broadcasting the 1993 blockbuster motion picture "The Fugitive" on Sunday February 4, 2001 at 8:30pm PST. The big screen adaptation features Harrision Ford as Dr. Richard Kimble and Tommy Lee Jones as US Marshal Samuel Gerard.

January 6, 2001
The Fugitive will be moving to 9:00pm. Friday's new line up, affective on Feb. 2, 2001: Diagnosis Murder, The Fugitive and Nash Bridges.



©2000-2001 Lina L (Webmaster) & Ray L (Webdesigner). All rights reserved.
Contents used on this unofficial "The Fugitive" fan site hold copyright to their respectful owners.
Recomended viewing in at least 800x600 High Color (16bit).