Thank you for visiting LsFugitive.iwarp.com. The website's focus is to follow up on the former cast of "The Fugitive" after the cancelation of the series. The site will be updated with news and upcoming projects of the main cast members.

- Lina (webmaster)

Facts & Quotes -



Main Cast
Tim Daly - Dr. Richard David Kimble

Mykelti Williamson - Lieutenant Philip Gerard
Stephen Lang - The One-Armed Man/Benjamin Charnquist

Recurring Cast

Kelly Rutherford - Helen Kimble (Kimble's wife)
Devon Gummersall - Chuck Brixius (Computer savvy crime buff)
John Aylward - Matthew Ross (Helen Kimble's father)
Janet Gunn - Becca (Rebecca) Ross (Helen Kimble's sister)
Connie Britton - Maggie Kimble-Hume (Kimble's sister)
Robert Shampain - Jonathan Hume (Maggie's ex-husband)
Matt Peterson - Stuart Hume (Maggie & Jonathan's son)
Darby Day - Emily Hume (Maggie & Jonathan's daughter)
Gina Ravera - Sara Gerard (Gerard's wife)
Kate Walsh Eve Hilliard (Fugitive Task Force)
Mark Kiely - Eddie Mills (Fugitive Task Force)
Jeff Steitzer - Art Zimmerman (Fugitive Task Force)
Francesco Quinn - Victor Gutierrez (Fugitive Task Force)
Bob Morrisey - Captain Michael McLaren (Chief Detective)
Rex Linn - Karl Vasick (Bounty Hunter)
Richard Brestoff - Abe Eisenberg (Kimble's lawyer)
Cynthia Lauren Tewes - Linda Westerschulte (Cop)

Executive Producers
Roy Huggins, Arnold Kopelson, Anne Kopelson, John McNamara, and R.W. Goodwin

Thanks to the cast and crew who produced 22 wonderful episodes of "The Fugitive."
The production was top notch, the writing was excellent and the actors were superb. Especially with the talents of Tim Daly, Mykelti Williamson and Stephen Lang, who
brought life back into the already famous characters.






©2000-2001 Lina L (Webmaster) & Ray L (Webdesigner). All rights reserved.
Contents used on this unofficial "The Fugitive" fan site hold copyright to their respectful owners.
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