Thank you for visiting LsFugitive.iwarp.com. The website's focus is to follow up on the former cast of "The Fugitive" after the cancelation of the series. The site will be updated with news and upcoming projects of the main cast members.

- Lina (webmaster)

Facts & Quotes -



Identities - Occupations
Jim Parks - Construction Worker
Sam Richards - Pharmacy
Ray Pettiford - Hotel Janitor
Raymond Lee Pettiford - Bartender
Mike Connelly
Dan Clifton - Logger
Dave Adams - Casino Janitor
Steve Patterson - Doctor
Michael Abbott - Oil Rig Worker
Joe - Handyman
Roy Thompson
Chris Atwater - Handyman
Dan Kempton
Doug Allen
Larry Kettner - Lecturer
Gary Curtis





©2000-2001 Lina L (Webmaster) & Ray L (Webdesigner). All rights reserved.
Contents used on this unofficial "The Fugitive" fan site hold copyright to their respectful owners.
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