Thank you for visiting LsFugitive.iwarp.com. The website's focus is to follow up on the former cast of "The Fugitive" after the cancelation of the series. The site will be updated with news and upcoming projects of the main cast members.

- Lina (webmaster)

Facts & Quotes -



Name: Barbara Wagner
Email: duncsma@sc.rr.com
HomePage: http://lsfugitive
Where are
you from:
Comments: This is a great website - Thanks!!
  December 31, 2002 22:43:51 (GMT Time)
Name: Jeremy
Email: Jeremy1esq@aol.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: Email me if you have episodes for sale.
  December 11, 2002 18:25:43 (GMT Time)
Name: Julie Weigle
Email: juls3659@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Meadville, Pennsylvania
Comments: Fun site! Nice pictures!
  December 11, 2002 04:36:27 (GMT Time)
Name: Norm Levin
Email: norm@apartmentsoakpark.org
HomePage: http://apartmentsoakpark.org
Where are
you from:
Chicago, IL
Comments: How do I send an email to Mr. Tim Daly? Thanks, Norm Levin
  December 4, 2002 20:42:52 (GMT Time)
Name: talib
Email: topman_in@hotmail.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: hi my friends! so,i want to offer my poem that i did to tim daly and his fans: "Tender,tolerant and merciful your heart I am now ready to accuse you kindly Minds have ever praised you eveywhere Old ones were reborn to see the reality The faith shows clearly through your eyes! Heaven's power will bless your celebrity You have owned our hearts ans it's inevitable! Dr.richard kimble,do you believe in freedom of every miracle? Angels praied together for your safety! Love has existed to grow with you on and on... Your fans will remember you endlessly!" ....i hope you will contact me just to tell me if my poem has been done successfuly or not?...wanting to get your observations!!.. thanks ciao...
  August 22, 2002 17:28:3 (GMT Time)
Name: louazani talib
Email: topman_in@hotmail.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: HI!..really!..tim daly was so great in the fugitive.if we look hard enough,tim has got an inner capacity of acting than before!.he drove every one crazy and touched by his role where he seemed tolerant,tender and so merciful!!. we love you tim and your fans will never be satisfied to watch the fugitive on tv again. good luck for your next shows...!
  August 21, 2002 19:22:40 (GMT Time)
Name: Kristine
Email: johnkris@mscd.edu
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: Tim Daly is great - both Wings and now "The Fugitive". GREAT acting. Thanks for the quality entertainment and quality shows, Tim. Kristine
  July 26, 2002 20:52:33 (GMT Time)
Name: Rusty
Email: johnkris@mscd.edu
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: My roommate and I LOVED Tim Daly in The Fugitive and were SO MAD when it was taken off the air. It's a GREAT show; excellent plot and refreshingly modernized while keeping with the overall general storyline. The network bounced the show around on different days and different time slots; and then they wonder why more of the public didn't watch. GIVE IT A CHANCE! BRING IT BACK!! TIM and other actors were excellent! It was one of the BETTER shows airing on tv.... Hope everyone SPEAKS UP in favor of this show so that it will return.... AND hopefully it will get a better chance (i.e. same day & time each week) than they gave it first time around. WE LOVE "THE FUGITIVE"..... *&(&*(&*
  July 26, 2002 19:19:18 (GMT Time)
Name: Kristi Johnson
Email: johnkris@mscd.edu
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: I loved Tim Daly in the revised version of "The Fugitive" and wish they would bring it back on cable as reruns. The movie with H. Ford was good too. What else can we see Tim Daly starring in?
  July 26, 2002 19:04:15 (GMT Time)
Name: AB_Chic
Email: mmusic2323@hotmail.com
HomePage: http://www.adambusch.cjb.net
Where are
you from:
Midland, ON
Comments: if you guys or any one has any transcripts from the episode "Strapped" please please PLEASE email me!!! :D thanks -_Rachel
  July 25, 2002 19:11:3 (GMT Time)
Name: AB_Chick
Email: mmusic2323@hotmail.com
HomePage: http://www.adambusch.cjb.net
Where are
you from:
Midland, ON
Comments: I'M SORRY, I DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH, SO I'M WRITE IN PORTUGUESE.Eu tenho 15 anos, assisti praticamente todos os espisódios e amei a série, a interpretação de Tim Daly e o próprio Tim Daly. Só fiquei pasma com o final, mas tudo bem. Parabéns pela ótima série!
  July 25, 2002 19:10:53 (GMT Time)
Name: Hadassa Prado
Email: hadassa.prado@bol.com.br
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Macaé, Brazil
Comments: I'M SORRY, I DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH, SO I'M WRITE IN PORTUGUESE.Eu tenho 15 anos, assisti praticamente todos os espisódios e amei a série, a interpretação de Tim Daly e o próprio Tim Daly. Só fiquei pasma com o final, mas tudo bem.
  July 23, 2002 23:57:48 (GMT Time)
Name: Hadassa Prado
Email: hadassa.prado@bol.com.br
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Macaé, Brazil
Comments: I'M SORRY, I DON'T SPEAK ENGLISH, SO I'M WRITE IN PORTUGUESE.Eu tenho 15 anos, assisti praticamente todos os espisódios e amei a série, a interpretação de Tim Daly e o próprio Tim Daly. Só fiquei pasma com o final, mas tudo bem. Parabéns pela ótima série!
  July 23, 2002 23:56:17 (GMT Time)
Name: Mariana Correia de Souza
Email: correia_mariana@hotmail.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: I'm from Brazil. I want to contact how prodution of The Fugitive. Thanks, Mariana.
  June 17, 2002 13:46:13 (GMT Time)
Name: stephendoran
Email: stephendoran@hotmail.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: ilike to buy videos of the fugitive if possible
  June 11, 2002 10:39:37 (GMT Time)
Name: George
Email: pissed-off@not-seeing-the-end.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: The show was real interesting and addictive. Pissed off that they chopped it so abruptly. Its ludicrous. TV companies should be legally liable to finish off what they start. If you go to see 'Star Wars' or 'Spiderman' and the movie finishes half way through, you would be highly pissed-off wouldn't you ? So why should a TV series you've been following for months leave you mid stream, without a conclusion ? Really really PISSED OFF ! Finish what you start, or don't start it in the first place !
  May 26, 2002 16:40:32 (GMT Time)
Name: lorenz
Email: green_libras@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Comments: i find the fugitive an interesting and fascinating show to watch although it has been said over and over again that it is a remake. anyway, i enjoy it. tim daly is great. am i alone in this world in appreciating this show?
  May 23, 2002 07:39:20 (GMT Time)
Name: elaine
Email: ehwilliams@btinternet.com
Where are
you from:
dartford kent england
Comments: i am so sad to see the fugitive with tim daly in, finish. I enjoyed every episode. The tv companies should'nt start shows if they can't finish them. Shame on you cbs.
  April 17, 2002 21:23:24 (GMT Time)
Name: danny
Email: dred_boyz@hiphopmail.com
HomePage: http://isfugitive.com/
Where are
you from:
  April 7, 2002 11:07:04 (GMT Time)
Email: jakejohn@btinternet.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: This site indicates that there are many people who care about this show. Well done to those who are involved. Lets hope the show returns soon to our screens. Well done
  Febuary 17, 2002 16:19:49 (GMT Time)
Name: Rebecca
Email: Micak1@libero.it
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Terni, Italy
Comments: I love this program!
  Febuary 13, 2002 22:51:46 (GMT Time)
Name: Craig Hunter
Email: chunter1823@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Winfield, IL
Comments: Does anyone have a copy of all the 2000-2001 Fugitive episodes that I may be able to get a copy of. I cannot find where I left off several months ago. Please e-mail me at chunter1823@yahoo.com if you can help me.
  Febuary 13, 2002 05:24:27 (GMT Time)
Name: john fiorella
Email: spooky2626@earthlink.net
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
northhollywood, california
Comments: the fugitive was just as good as the fugitive of the late 1960s. It was worth watching on friday night
  Febuary 12, 2002 04:06:32 (GMT Time)
Name: John Lewis Fiorella
Email: Spooky2626@earthlink.net
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
North Hollywood, California
Comments: Dont give up the fight to bring the show back.End the fugitive with fred johnson dead.
  Febuary 9, 2002 03:34:32 (GMT Time)
Name: Villy Ket
Email: ssfann1@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://www.villyket.cjb.net/
Where are
you from:
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Comments: Hi to all! The Fugitive is one of the best shows ever. They're airing it now here, in Bulgaria and i really enjoy it! And Tim is a great actor, no doubt. I only didn't understand what is the reason that the show got cancled? It reminds me of another show with the same fate and almost the same storyline. You may know it - First Wave. well, let's just hope that by some chance The Fugitive will "run" again :)
  Febuary 8, 2002 03:46:22 (GMT Time)
Name: Stan
Email: Harp_6a@yahoo.com
Where are
you from:
Hong Kong
Comments: Kimble up the good work
  January 30, 2002 04:22:59 (GMT Time)
Name: Des
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Comments: What is so surprising is that the Fugitive was sent in Swedish television this autumn (2001). When they know it won't be a follow up. And the last two episodes were skipped! To not have any angry calls I guess.
  January 21, 2002 08:55:25 (GMT Time)
Name: Gary Quay
Email: mopargary@aol.com
Where are
you from:
Houston Texas
Comments: The Fugitive was one of the Best drama series on CBS.They just didnt give it a chance.Bring the Show Back! A lot better than some of the junk comedy shows.
  January 20, 2002 06:09:10 (GMT Time)
Name: Mr. Peter. Fordyce.
Email: petedyce@waterfront.net.au
Where are
you from:
Phillip - Island. Melbourne. Australia.
Comments: I really love the program, this weeks program, when the Fugitive jumps off the jetty with a couple of police officers chasing him, and ends up in the home of a young man who admires him, and assists him to escape. Very good scripting. This program is to me the best program on Television. Please do NOT cancel the show.
  January 12, 2002 04:16:40 (GMT Time)
Name: Mr. Peter. Fordyce.
Email: petedyce@waterfront.net.au
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Phillip - Island. Melbourne. Australia.
Comments: I really love the program, this weeks program, when the Fugitive jumps off the jetty with a couple of police officers chasing him, and ends up in the home of a young man who admires him, and assists him to escape. Very good scripting. This program is to me the best program on Television.
  January 12, 2002 04:13:25 (GMT Time)
Name: Rod Kimble
Email: doozoau@yahoo.com
HomePage: http://classified/
Where are
you from:
somewhere in where you will never find me
Comments: I know Rihard well and i know he is innocenti have a video in the night in qestion of the murder that noone knows about due to corruption in the police force there is noone i cant trust i was told i cant release it to the public otherise i will be next on the hit list got to go the truth is out there
  January 10, 2002 13:31:50 (GMT Time)
Name: Luna
Email: darja@libero.it
Where are
you from:
Triest, Italy
Comments: I like "The fugitive" and I'll like it 4ever!!!!!!!!!
  January 6, 2002 17:37:50 (GMT Time)
Name: The Strummer Dude
Email: Killthefascists@hotmail.com
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
South West Sussex, England
Comments: Brilliant, informative and very useful. Thanks also for enlightening me on to the concept of the campaign to get the show back on the air.
  January 2, 2002 21:04:37 (GMT Time)
Name: hankowoon
Email: hynuyu@yahoo.co.kr
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
seoul in korea...
Comments: Tim daly is very hansome guy~!!! I hope that Fugitive survives another season... I love tim & fugitive series...¢½
  December 1, 2001 04:34:13 (GMT Time)
Name: Brady
Email: bbrunson@bright.net
Where are
you from:
Comments: I love the Fugitive show and Tim Daly is a good Dr.Richard Kimble I hate to see a good show die.
  November 22, 2001 19:49:11 (GMT Time)
Name: ^^
Where are
you from:
Comments: Good~!!
  November 18, 2001 13:12:20 (GMT Time)
Name: wujunom
Email: ya-nande@hanmail.net
HomePage: http://
Where are
you from:
Korea in Seoul
Comments: Tim Daly is very handsome guy~ yeh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  November 13, 2001 09:13:53 (GMT Time)

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